way2go! Kompetenztraining Writing & Language in Use B2

52 B2 | 7. Klasse | Unit 10: Iceberg and outback Read the text about a country ranking. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–15) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 2 Are Austrians really so unfriendly?’ Austria has ranked 24th out of 52 destinations in the Expat Insider 2022 survey. The alpine country lands in third (0) for quality of life, but falls behind when foreigners were asked about ease of fitting in and how friendly the local (1) is towards immigrants. “I love Austria’s history, architecture, and culture, and I marvel at the rich heritage when I (2) around the country. Another thing I really appreciate is the excellent (3) transport system”, a Norwegian immigrant said. “Trains and busses are reasonably priced and generally on time.” In addition, the country ranked well in (4) of life in the survey. However, (5) these positive points, Austria only placed 49th (out of 52) overall, which makes it one of the worst-rated countries worldwide for immigrants. “It takes such a long time to make Austrian friends”, one respondent from Chile said. Foreigners in Austria often say that the local population is unfriendly (6) foreign residents. Additionally, 34 percent find it hard to get (7) to the local culture and 28 percent do not feel welcome. An issue that was frequently mentioned in this context was the local language – German is a famously complicated language to learn and immigrants also found it challenging to live in Austria without speaking it. Although many Austrians speak good English, they often (8) to German wherever possible, even in a multinational context. “Being fluent in German would be a huge (9) , but I do not see myself achieving this”, a British immigrant said. And it is not just the language. Austrians have a factual and direct (10) to communication, which is not easy to get used to. Also, Austria shares with other German-speaking countries a preference for last names and (11) , for example Magister or Doktor to denote university degrees. Not using them might be perceived as rude, although among younger people this convention has become less rigid. Still, it is often (12) to know when it is acceptable to switch from the formal Sie and last names to the informal du and first names. These cultural barriers may seem almost impossible to (13) , but many people manage it and integrate into the Austrian lifestyle. A newsletter for expats recently listed eight habits that (14) that you’ve truly settled in, among them enjoying coffee and cake, being passionate about winter sports, and (15) long lunch breaks. This list makes it seem like this small alpine country has a lot going for it, after all. 0 place 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv