way2go! Kompetenztraining Writing & Language in Use B2

38 B2 | 7. Klasse | Unit 07: You be the judge Read the text about youth crime in London. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–15). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 4 Escape from gang life In 2019, a report on young people and crime in London was commissioned by the mayor, Sadiq Khan. It provided (0) (prove) that the poorest areas of London have the highest levels of serious youth crime. The report prompted Mr Khan to call for a (1) (nation) strategy to break the link between (2) (poor) on the one hand and serious youth (3) (violent) on the other hand. Lisa, a first-year university student, has firsthand experience of the situation described in the report. She grew up in a poor area of London. From an early age, she was aware that a lot of what was going on at the estate where she lived with her mother was (4) (legal). However, it was not until she began a (5) (relate) with Jerome – a well-known gang member – that she was dragged into gang crime. The couple met at a workshop for young (6) (offend) at the local youth centre. He had committed car (7) (thief) and she had been found guilty of (8) (burgle). To begin with they had a ‘normal’ life together, but then he began asking her to ‘help out’, and soon Lisa was carrying drugs and weapons. “In my eyes it was normal because I was just helping my friends out.” As Lisa’s (9) (connect) to the gang became stronger, her life became more (10) (danger). “There were areas I couldn’t go into because of him. I couldn’t even go to my mum’s house.” Eventually, she took the (11) (decide) to leave the gang, but she was scared. “(12) (obey) is dangerous when you are in a gang,” she says. When Jerome moved away from London after getting shot, she took her chance and walked away, changing her mobile number and deleting her Facebook account. Lisa welcomes the mayor’s plans to tackle youth crime. Two years have passed since her (13) (appear) from her old life, but she says that it still catches up with her. “It’s not easy at all. I have had many threats from the (14) (crime) who Jerome is friends with. Two years later they are still going after me.” Still, Lisa believes that university will be her ticket to (15) (free). “If you get out of this life, you can consider yourself lucky,” she says. 0 proof 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv