way2go! Kompetenztraining Writing & Language in Use B2

36 B2 | 7. Klasse | Unit 07: You be the judge Read the text about the role of smart devices in solving crimes. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–15). Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 2 Inspector Gadget Has technology made it more difficult to commit crimes? Is the Internet of Things a powerful (0) in the hands of the police? There are people who think so. Recently, there have been some highprofile arrests where smart devices helped the police catch the (1) of the crime. Take Richard Dabate from Connecticut. He claimed that his house was broken (2) shortly before Christmas last year and the (3) beat him and shot his wife. But she was wearing a Fitbit that had (4) all her activities, including a walk she took well after the time her husband said she was killed. When detectives (5) her phone, they found a list titled: “Why I Want a Divorce”. Dabate is now facing a murder (6) . Or consider the case of Ross Compton. He (7) that he was sleeping when his house in Middletown, Ohio, (8) fire and that he grabbed some possessions and jumped out a window to escape. Investigators pulled data from his pacemaker which, according to a cardiologist, (9) Compton’s account. Police concluded that he must have set his own house on fire, and he has been charged with arson. He faces a lengthy prison (10) if he is convicted. (11) , the work of a police detective has changed a lot since the days of Columbo, the beloved TV detective played by Peter Falk. But Brian Jackson, a criminal justice expert, said that some police departments, especially smaller (12) , struggle to keep pace with the technology (13) they lack the necessary resources and training. Anyway, it is safe to say that the (14) that made Columbo great, such as his intelligence and determination, will always be useful when investigating a crime (15) , with or without modern technology. There will always be ‘just one more thing’ that all the smart devices have missed. 0 A weapon B trick C idea D help 1 A committers B perpetrators C delinquents D accomplices 2 A in B up C into D down 3 A thief B fraudster C burglar D mugger 4 A streamed B seen C shown D recorded 5 A checked B downloaded C controlled D interrogated 6 A court B trial C punishment D penalty 7 A pretended B claimed C told D lied 8 A lit B put C caught D set 9 A undermined B underlined C overwhelmed D outweighed 10 A stay B time C period D sentence 11 A However B Clearly C Moreover D Additionally 12 A outlets B forms C instances D ones 13 A since B for C though D although 14 A personality B character C qualities D circumstances 15 A accusation B trial C charge D scene Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv