way2go! Kompetenztraining Writing & Language in Use B2

13 B2 | 7. Klasse | Unit 02: It’s all relative Which of these adjectives would you use to describe the language used in the texts? (a bit) rude appropriate colloquial emotional euphemistic formal polite proper Text A: Text B: b Writing tip In addition to more formal vocabulary (e.g. disgusting instead of gross), we often avoid being too direct in formal texts because we do not want to offend the reader. For example, instead of saying the film sucked, the teacher might describe it as not exactly inspiring. The phrase hardly original can be used to avoid a negative statement such as I’ve seen this stuff before, and instead of calling the film boring, it could be described as rather tedious or not especially enjoyable. Another way of being polite in formal writing is to soften any negative adjectives you use, for example, a bit rude, rather tedious, quite disgusting. Read the article about a young woman’s decision not to have children. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–R) for each gap (1–15). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 A good place for children? After careful consideration, I have decided that I am not going to have children. The future is simply not looking good for children who are (0) today. If we look at scientific predictions, we have to worry what our world will look like. Scientists (1) that 25% of the world’s insects will have become (2) by the time babies born today are 10 years old. By 2025, 100 million children will be suffering from severe (3) scarcity. By the time today’s newborns are 23 years old, 99% of the world’s coral will have been (4) by bleaching and will be dying. When they are 30 years old, 200 million climate (5) will be looking for somewhere to live because their homes will have become unliveable due to flooding or (6) heat. By then, 50% of animal (7) will have died out. When today’s babies are 80 years old, parts of Europe and the US will be suffering from extreme climate (8) . Maybe these areas will even have become (9) . Our future simply seems like no place for a child. Women who decide to (10) child-free are often unfairly considered cold and selfish. In reality, I am just worried. I (11) believe that this is an outdated (12) . I do like children, but it is a fact that there are already too many human beings on the planet, and the biggest (13) we can make to a better future is not to have children, especially if you live in an (14) country such as most countries in the European Union. I respect the (15) of women who decide to have children; they should respect mine. In my opinion, it is simply a rational decision. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 C A affected E choices I extinct M prejudice Q still B affluent F conditions J extreme N refugees R uninhabitable C born G contribution K firmly O remain D campaigners H estimate L food P species Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv