79 B1+ | 6. Klasse | Unit 07: The story of my life Every secondary school should have a science club. Not enough young people are interested in science, but scientists are important for a modern society. If a secondary school has a science club, young people can learn more about science than in their regular classes and might develop a greater interest in it. Therefore, science clubs at secondary schools make an important contribution to the future of our society A Where do the phrases/sentences go in the examples below? Complete the paragraphs. 1 For example, people now live longer thanks to many important discoveries of medical science. 2 which would improve their education. 3 Unfortunately, many young people are not aware of the importance of science. 4 In addition, some of them might even decide to study science at university. 5 by encouraging future scientists. 5 Writing tip You can often use extra phrases and sentences to ‘stretch’ a paragraph like this. 1 and don’t know how to treat them respectfully because they are not familiar with their lives. 2 so that they can have what everybody else in our society has: employment, relationships, and a chance to experience the world fully. 3 for example, in films and magazines, disability would be normalised, and 4 Unfortunately, Disabled people should be more visible in advertising and the media to improve their situation in society. many people still have a negative attitude towards disabled people If more disabled people were represented in the media, negative attitudes would change. This is why representation is essential for disabled people B Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv