72 B1+ | 6. Klasse | Unit 05: Wild world Working on PEEL paragraphs Complete the two PEEL paragraphs using the sentences below. 1 For example, the famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia is in great danger from rising ocean temperatures. 2 Because they lose their habitat when rainforests are destroyed, there are only few of these animals left today. 3 Deforestation is a direct result of agriculture. 4 Time is running out for saving the biggest coral reef in the world. 5 An increase in the temperature of the oceans leads to the death of coral reefs. 6 Rainforests in many areas of the world are often cut down or burned to make way for plantations because demand for products such as soy and palm oil is increasing. 7 This deforestation has a devastating impact on the animals which live in the rainforest, such as the orangutans in Borneo and Sumatra. 8 Corals are very sensitive to changes in temperature, and when the water is too warm for them, they cannot survive. WRITING 6 Deforestation is a direct result of agriculture. An increase in the temperature of the oceans leads to the death of coral reefs. Writing tip The first sentence of a paragraph (‘topic sentence’) usually introduces the main idea of the paragraph. The next time you read an article in English, pay particular attention to the topic sentences. You may be able to use them as models for your own writing. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv