43 B1 | 5. Klasse | Unit 09: Out and about extremely helpful patient wonderful long fascinating exhausted sad disappointed careful It is important to address your readers directly when you write a blog post. This can be done by asking rhetorical questions (often in the opening paragraph, but also throughout the whole text) or by giving the readers advice or making suggestions (usually at the end). Download the complete blog post and read the first and last paragraph again carefully. Write down phrases that you would like to use in your own writing. Intensifiers In his blog post, ChrisM often mentions what people and things are like and how people are feeling. He uses adverbs to describe how strong these feelings and qualities are, e.g. extremely helpful. Find the adverbs that ChrisM uses with the following words and highlight them in the blog post. Write them into the table below. LANGUAGE 6a Match the sentence halves and use the adverbs from 6a to complete the sentences. b 1 I had lots of questions, but fortunately, 2 I was looking forward to visiting Stonehenge 3 I was careful with my hand luggage 4 My daughter thought that 5 After my long flight, 6 I had booked the B&B online, so I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but 7 My daughter was disappointed when 8 I love nothing more than travelling, so I’m usually a Chinatown was fascinating. b because I had put my new laptop in it. c because I had wanted to see it for a long time. d I was exhausted. e the airline employee was patient. f sad at the end of a holiday. g it was wonderful. h we didn’t go to her favourite restaurant. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv