way2go! Kompetenztraining Reading & Listening B2

Acknowledgements Texts 10 Elyakim Kislev, ‘Know Your Neighbor, Especially Now’, Psychology Today, 30 June 2020, https://www.psychologytoday.com/ gb/blog/happy-singlehood/202006/know-your-neighbor-especially-now (adapted); https://pairedlife.com/etiquette/Being-aGood-Neighbor (adapted); 14/15 ‘The Costly Pursuit of Self-Driving Cars Continues On. And On. And On’, New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/24/technology/self-drivingcars-wait.html (adapted); 18/19 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/is-stem-education-all-it-s-cracked-up-to-be/ (adapted); 22/23 Fergus Kelly, ‘Sign up for our Royal Family snapchat CCTV Britain: Why are we the most spied on country in the world?’, Express, 4 December 2010, https://www.express.co.uk/expressyourself/215388/ CCTV-Britain-Why-are-we-the-most-spied-on-country-in-theworld (adapted); 26/27 https://medium.com/@szandra.k/ the-downton-abbey-effect-260d2883c685 (adapted); Dan Bloom, ‘Butlers cleaning up: Huge increase in mega-wealthy Chinese citizens leads to creation of country‘s first school for posh staff’, Daily Mail Online, 17 September 2014, https://www.dailymail. co.uk/news/article-2759647/Butlers-cleaning-Huge-increase-mega-wealthy-Chinese-citizens-leads-creation-country-s-schoolposh-staff.html (adapted); 48/49 Peter Noel Murray, ‘How Emotions Influence What We Buy’, Psychology Today, 6 February 2013, https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/inside-the-consumer-mind/201302/how-emotions-influence-whatwe-buy (adapted); 52/53 https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/6-ways-the-workplace-will-change-in-the-next-10-years (adapted); 56/57 https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/ young-peoples-ambivalent-relationship-political-parties (adapted); https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/ magazine-zone/politics-uk (adapted); 60/61 Antonia Wilson, ‘How ethical is the elephant sanctuary you’re visiting?’, The Guardian, 11 August 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/ travel/2018/aug/11/how-ethical-is-the-elephant-sanctuary-youre-visiting (adapted); 64/65 https://justenergy.com/blog/why-alternative-energy-sources-are-future/ (adapted); https://www. differencebetween.com/what-is-the-difference-between-biogas-and-biomethane/ (adapted) Pictures 4.1 Prostock-Studio / GettyImages-iStockphoto; 4.2 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 6 Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images-iStockphoto; 8.1 PeterPencil / Getty images - iStockphoto; 8.2 AntonioGuillem / Getty images - iStockphoto; 9 Vasyl Cheipesh / Getty images - iStockphoto; 10 JackF / Getty images - iStockphoto; 12 william87 / Getty images - iStockphoto; 13 Bepsimage / Getty images - iStockphoto; 15 metamorworks / Getty iamges - iStockphoto; 16 Alina Rosanova / Getty images - iStockphoto; 17.1 Kar-Tr / Getty images - iStockphoto; 17.2 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 17.3 Turqay Melikli / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 18 anyaivanova / Getty images - iStockphoto; 20 thumb / Getty images - iStockphoto; 23 GOLFX / Getty images - iStockphoto; 24.6 Ian West / PA / picturedesk. com; 24.1–5 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 26 ysbrandcosijn / Getty images - iStockphoto; 28 fizkes / Getty images - iStockphoto; 30 shironosov / Getty images - iStockphoto; 32 Highwaystarz-Photography / Getty images - iStockphoto; 33 AlessandroPhoto / Getty images - iStockphoto; 34 SHansche / Getty images - iStockphoto; 35 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 36 fizkes / Getty images - iStockphoto; 38 Diamond Dogs / getty images - iStockphoto; 39 monkeybusinessimages / Getty images - iStockphoto; 40 KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty images - iStockphoto; 42 jacoblund / Getty images - iStockphoto; 43 AmyLaughinghouse / Getty images - iStockphoto; 44 shironosov / Getty images - iStockphoto; 45 BFA / Action Press / picturedesk.com; 47 Mariha-kitchen / Getty images - iStockphoto; 48 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 50 shironosov / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 51.1–3 pixelliebe / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 52.1 iridi / Getty images - iStockphoto; 52.2 metamorworks / Getty images - iStockphoto; 54 wildpixel / Getty images - iStockphoto; 56 klenger / Getty images - iStockphoto; 58 Larina Marina / Getty images - iStockphoto; 60 bennymarty / Getty images - iStockphoto; 63 MushroomsArtSeven / Getty images - iStockphoto; 65 monap / Getty images - iStockphoto; 66 PeterPencil / Getty images - iStockphoto; 67 Peter Fleming / Getty images - iStockphoto; 68 SeventyFour / Getty images - iStockphoto; 70 Jacob Lund Photography / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 71 fizkes / Getty images - iStockphoto; 73 fstop123 / Getty images - iStockphoto; 74 johan10 / Getty images - iStockphoto; 75 Yurikr / Getty images - iStockphoto; 76.1 roman023 / Getty images - iStockphoto; 76.2 welcomia / Getty images - iStockphoto; 78 Andrii Borodai / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 79 Jose Luis Stephens / Getty Images - iStockphoto; 80 AegeanBlue / Getty Images Illustrations Adam Silye, Wien: 24.2; 41.1 3 B1+ | 6. Klasse READING 48–67 | LISTENING 68–80 Arts and culture Reading: Keywords, paraphrase, locating information | Working with vocabulary | Matching statements to texts: What’s on in the galleries of Europe? ................................................................................... 48 Listening: Identifying key information | Working with vocabulary | Four-word answers: Riverdance’s 25th anniversary show ............................................................................................................. 68 Traditions, trends and lifestyles Reading: Understanding literal and implied meaning | Working with vocabulary | True/False/Justification: Is there a place for fairy tales in the modern world? ................................................................... 52 Listening: Understanding the main idea and supporting details | Working with vocabulary | Four-word sentence completion: Customs and traditions around the world .................................................................... 70 Nature and the environment Reading: Working with vocabulary | Four-word answers: Ecotourism – an increasingly popular kind of tourism .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56 Listening: Working with vocabulary | Dealing with the distractors in multiple choice tasks | Multiple choice: Global environmental issues .................................................................................................................................. 72 The English-speaking world/Intercultural issues Reading: Working with vocabulary | Matching statements to texts: Regional differences in spoken English across the UK .................................................................................................................................................................. 59 Listening: Inferring meaning | Working with vocabulary | Four-word sentence completion: How 2020 changed Hollywood forever ................................................................................................................................................. 75 Media Reading: Understanding implied meaning | Working with vocabulary | True/False/Justification: Why we need hopeful news ...................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Listening: Working with vocabulary | Expressing negative ideas | Speaker matching: News from around the globe ................................................................................................................................................................... 77 Science and technology Reading: Understanding structure | Multiple matching: The rise of artificial intelligence ............................................... 65 Listening: Working with vocabulary | Understanding details | Matching sentence halves: The life of a GP in England ........................................................................................................................................................................ 79 Ihr Weg zu den Audio-Dateien, Lösungen und Transcripts: mit der QuickMedia App direkt am Smartphone, oder auf www.oebv.at mit dem Code 2ik3g7 (für B1) bzw. 2i7np9 (für B1+) abrufen 73t56p (für B2) 74i7r8 (für B2+) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv