way2go! Kompetenztraining Reading & Listening B2

4 Communication and relationships | When you read certain types of texts, it’s important to understand what the writer’s attitude, opinion and feelings are, and there are many ways of expressing these. The writer may not express their attitude, opinion or feelings in a single short phrase – they may do this across several sentences in the text. Being able to process information across sentences is an important reading skill. Identifying attitude, opinion and feeling Read Maya’s diary entry and underline any language that shows opinion, attitude or feeling. Underline the keywords. 1 So it’s finally happened! Mum and Dad getting are divorced! They told me and Jake this evening while we were having dinner. Even though I’d anticipated it, it’s still kind of a shock now that they’ve told us. I know the divorce rate’s never been higher, but I can’t believe my family’s actually going to be one of those statistics. We won’t be the classic nuclear family anymore. The thought of that makes me miserable, but I’ll just have to get used to it, just like all other kids of divorced parents. Me and my brother don’t want to have to choose sides between my parents – as far as I can see, they’re both at fault – and it’d be best if we make that clear to them. I’ve always had a close bond with Dad and I really hope it’ll stay like that after he moves out. He says we can go and stay with him whenever we like once he moves into his new apartment. That’ll be awesome because he’ll let us eat whatever we want when we’re there. Dad’s quite relaxed about stuff like that, which suits me just fine! What a day. Hopefully no more bad news tomorrow. Or any day this week. Or ever again! Match the opinion verbs on the left with their meanings on the right. 1 to inspire 2 to appreciate 3 to appeal 4 to regret 5 to impress 2 a to understand how good something or someone is b to make someone attracted to or interested in something c to feel sorry about a situation d to cause someone to admire or respect you e to make someone feel that they want to do something Identifying where answers are located Read the statements below and decide if the answer is in Maya’s diary entry in exercise 1. 1 She feels sorry that the structure of the family is going to change. Yes / No 2 She blames just one of her parents for the failure of their marriage. Yes / No 3 She has had a particularly good relationship with her father. Yes / No 4 She’s glad that her father isn’t very strict about certain things. Yes / No 3 Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv