2 READING 4–27 | LISTENING 28–45 Communication and relationships Reading: Identifying attitude, opinion and feeling | Identifying where answers are located | Working with vocabulary | Multiple matching: You can choose your friends – but not your family ........................... 4 Listening: Vocabulary | Distractors in multiple choice tasks | Multiple choice: The usefulness of communication skills.................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Living spaces and domestic environments Reading: Vocabulary | Getting the overall meaning of the stem and options | Multiple choice: Good neighbours – are you one? ............................................................................................................................ 8 Listening: Identifying cue words | Vocabulary | Four-word answers: The houses of the next 20 to 30 years ........... 31 Transport and tourism Reading: Vocabulary: Synonyms and paraphrases | Structure | Multiple matching: To drive or not to self-drive? ............................................................................................................................. 12 Listening: Understanding cue words and paraphrase | Identifying unnecessary information | Vocabulary | Four-word sentence completion: Travelling the world from your armchair .............................................. 34 School and education Reading: Understanding details | Vocabulary | True/False/Justification: Does STEM education really live up to its reputation? ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Listening: Vocabulary | Identifying negative ideas | Identifying word spots as distractors | Speaker matching: Life-changing decisions ...................................................................................................................................... 37 Rules, laws and regulations Reading: Vocabulary | Structure | Multiple matching: Big Brother society in the UK .......................................................... 20 Listening: Vocabulary | Ways of showing time frame | Ruling out distractors | Matching sentence halves: Gun ownership laws ............................................................................................................................ 40 Arts and culture Reading: Vocabulary | Four-word sentence completion: The Downton Abbey Effect .......................................................... 24 Listening: Identifying cues and answers | Vocabulary | Four-word answers: The life and works of Tracey Emin ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Contents B2 | 7. Klasse Die Audio-Dateien und die Lösungen können auch mit Hilfe der QuickMedia App auf Ihrem Smartphone abgerufen werden. Der Code unter dem Lautsprecher-Symbol führt zu den Audio-Dateien im Internet. Geben Sie den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf www.oebv.at ein. Diese Linie kennzeichnet Aufgaben, die Sie mit den Formaten der standardisierten Reifeprüfung vertraut machen. 73t56p 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv