18 B2 | 7. Klasse | READING | School and education Here are some expressions from the following reading task. Choose the best meaning for each expression. 1 A one-dimensional fix is a solution that . a examines a problem from a single point of view b takes a long time to find 2 If a job is done adequately, it is done . a to a poor standard b to a satisfactory standard 3 Inclusivity in the job sector means . a having workers from all genders and ethnic groups b having mainly foreign workers 4 If a particular market is over-saturated, it has . a a limited number of products b too much of one type of product 5 When a person is competent at doing something, they are . a new and inexperienced at it b skilled and experienced at it Read the article about STEM education. First decide whether the statements (1–7) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross ( ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision. Write the first 4 words of this sentence in the space provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first one (0) has been done for you. 6 7 Working the reading task: True/False/Justification Use the heading to guess what the text will be about. Read the statements and remember that they are likely to be paraphrased. Look at the details in the statements – watch out for negative verbs, adverbs and adjectives, or phrases that have the opposite meaning of the text. Remember to only write the FIRST FOUR words of the sentence where you find the answer. Top tips Does STEM education really live up to its reputation? STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is a buzzword for economic development and growth, frequently publicised as a manifold solution to prepare young people for employment, support the national workforce, promote innovation and explore methods for accelerating future development. But is having a STEM degree really the magical solution it’s claimed to be? Does it truly boost economic growth and support the nation’s workforce? And is STEM the best way to equip young people with skills, knowledge and opportunities to ensure they can be capable and responsible citizens? Personally, I believe that focusing solely on STEM presents a one-dimensional ‘fix’ which does not take into account the many other factors that influence economic growth and development from context to context. Instead, a more universal approach is needed to equip the future workforce and secure economic development for emerging and modern economies alike. To adequately invest in the future, the creation of a generation of economic citizens is key to boosting economic growth and breaking ongoing cycles of poverty. Although there are many apparent opportunities and benefits linked to a solid STEM infrastructure and development of skills within a country, the current emphasis placed on investment in this sector seems to take little notice of the limitations resulting from a reliance on this academic field. And in terms of inclusivity across STEM subjects, workers are pre-dominantly male from higher socio-economic backgrounds, while minority groups, women and low-income youth or youth from disadvantaged backgrounds are consistently under-represented. Known for being an elitist and exclusive subject area, it is surprising that emphasis is being placed on STEM to fill gaps across national workforces – female Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv