way2go! Kompetenztraining Reading & Listening B1

9 Working the reading task: Multiple choice Now answer the multiple choice question below. Read the four options, A–D, carefully before deciding which answer is correct. Underline the sentence or sentences in the text that give you the answer. After the first day at her new school, the writer feels A tired because classes begin earlier than she is used to. B pleased that her teachers have a relaxed attitude. C nervous about getting to know her form teacher. D glad she has already made new friends. In multiple choice questions, only one option is the correct answer. The other options, or ‘distractors’, may seem correct, but when you read carefully, you will understand that they are wrong. Now look at the three distractors above and explain why they are wrong. Underline the parts of the text that help you. The words in the stem (question) and options (answers A–D) may not be exactly the same as the words in the text. Look at the following short text and decide which option is correct and why. Why are the distractors wrong? b 4 In this text, Jack explains that A he enjoyed being a naughty student. B his parents are disappointed in him. C he regrets his behaviour as a student. D his teachers were fed up with him. First read the tips below. Then turn the page and read the article about life at a boarding school in the UK. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–7. Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. 5 Between the ages of 13 and 15, Jack was always getting into trouble at school, and as a result, received many punishments from his teachers. He later admitted that he wishes he hadn’t caused so many problems for his teachers and his parents. B1 | 5. Klasse | READING | School and education Look at the title, subtitle and any pictures and predict what the text will be about. Then skim the text for general meaning. Think about who wrote the text and why. Read the questions and decide where you can find the answer to each question. Remember that the questions follow the order of the text. Don’t choose an option just because a word in the question also appears in the text. Read carefully to understand the meaning. Top tips Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv