way2go! Kompetenztraining Reading & Listening B1

2 Sports and leisure Reading: Working with vocabulary: Synonyms and pronouns | Understanding structure | Multiple matching: A champion sailor ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Listening: Predicting vocabulary | Understanding paraphrase | Speaker matching: Time for me time!.................... 28 School and education Reading: Predicting content | Dealing with the distractors in multiple choice tasks | Multiple choice: My life at a UK boarding school .............................................................................................................................. 8 Listening: Dealing with the question stem in multiple choice tasks | Dealing with the distractors in multiple choice tasks | Multiple choice: Who needs school? ................................................................................................ 31 Nutrition and health Reading: Skimming | Working with vocabulary: Synonyms and pronouns | Understanding structure | Multiple matching: A day in the life of a personal trainer........................................................................................................... 12 Listening: Dealing with the question stem in multiple choice tasks | Dealing with the distractors in multiple choice tasks | Multiple choice: Taking care of yourself at university ............................................................... 34 Communication and relationships Reading: Predicting content | Answering multiple choice questions | Multiple choice: Teenagers, technology and texting ...................................................................................................................... 16 Listening: Predicting vocabulary | Understanding paraphrase | Speaker matching: Me and my BFF ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 Rules, laws and regulations Reading: Understanding main ideas and supporting details | Using paraphrase | True/False/Justification: Parenting styles around Europe ........................................................................................................... 20 Listening: Understanding the main idea and supporting details | Working with vocabulary | Matching sentence halves: Rules don’t always rule! ..................................................................................................................... 41 Transport and tourism Reading: Identifying keywords and locating information | Using paraphrase | Four-word sentence completion: School on the road ................................................................................................................... 24 Listening: Predicting vocabulary | Understanding the main idea and supporting details | Matching sentence halves: Where East meets West ..................................................................................................................... 44 Contents B1 | 5. Klasse READING 4–27 | LISTENING 28–48 Die Audio-Dateien und die Lösungen können auch mit Hilfe der QuickMedia App auf Ihrem Smartphone abgerufen werden. Der Code unter dem Lautsprecher-Symbol führt zu den Audio-Dateien im Internet. Geben Sie den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf www.oebv.at ein. Diese Linie kennzeichnet Aufgaben, die Sie mit den Formaten der standardisierten Reifeprüfung vertraut machen. 2ik3g7 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv