16 Predicting content Answering multiple choice questions When you read a new text, first look at the title, subtitle and any pictures and try to predict what the text will be about. Predicting is an important reading strategy because it helps you to use what you already know about a topic and think about what will come next. It helps you to better understand what you are reading and make connections to it. On the right is the title of an online news article. What do you think the article will discuss? 1 Read Matt’s diary entry. Then do the task on the next page. 4 a 1 why people nowadays still enjoy chatting face-to-face 2 why people prefer to spend time alone instead of with other people 3 why people don’t speak to each other as much as they used to in the past Look at the following newspaper headlines and consider what the articles will be about. Think of five or six words you might find in each text. 1 Emojis – a bit of fun or just lazy and rude? 2 Your body language revealed! 3 UK adults more antisocial than ever before 4 Smartphones – a blessing or a curse? 5 Adults now seeing the fun side of emojis! Decide which of the articles in exercise 2 will be serious (S), which will be funny (F) and which will be neutral (N) – neither serious nor funny. 2 3 I wish I’d never gone to Lucy’s party! Reid said he wasn’t going, but he lied. He was the first person I saw when I got there. I couldn’t believe it! He spent the whole evening staring at me and even carried on doing that when that new girl from year 10 was chatting to him. Apparently, she has a crush on him. I ignored him and tried to have a good time with my mates, but inside I just felt awful. Since I broke up with him last week, he’s been making up stories about me and telling all my friends. Luckily, they listen to me and not him! But why is he doing this? I don’t get it. I told him I’m never going to make up with him! We are NOT getting back together. Ever! He called me after the party, but I hung up. I didn’t want to talk to him. Then he started texting me, but I just deleted his messages. I’m sick and tired of this. 23 January Communication and relationships | Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv