16 Plastic Planet 1 Describe the photo M1. (OK, I) 2 List at least 20 plastic products found in your household within two minutes. (OK, I) 3 Judge (= Beurteile) whether the depiction (= Darstellung) M2 corresponds to reality. (UK, III) 4 Explain the idea of World Cleanup Day (M3, M4). Give reasons why you would participate in the project. (OK, II) 5 Discuss ways to reduce and to avoid plastic in class. (HK, III) M2 Planet Earth as rubbish M3 World Cleanup Day 2022 in Vienna M1 Plastic in a supermarket National And World Cleanup Day National and World Cleanup Day (= Putztag) is celebrated on the third Saturday in September and brings together people worldwide to clean up and care for their communities. This day has brought together millions of people nationally and internationally for the biggest waste collection day in human history. Will you join us to create a waste-free world? (nach: https://www.earthday.org, abgerufen am 9.6.2023) M4 Together for a clean, healthy and garbage-free environment Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv