kick off PTS, Workbook

Unit 12 Relationships Look at the pictures. Use the words from the box to describe the people. Coursebook p. 131, ex. 4 Say it like this: 1 I think the man/woman is/isn’t … . He/She looks/doesn’t look … . Look at the information in the boxes. Then write sentences and draw the faces. Coursebook p. 131, ex. 5 2 fun lazy cool greedy adventurous 1 angry friendly arrogant helpful intelligent bored nice generous 2 1  adventurous: abenteuerlustig 2  generous: großzügig He has brown hair. She has black hair. She has 59 Starting out • hair: brown • eyes: blue • glasses: red • T-shirt: blue • earring • hair: blonde • eyes: brown • T-shirt: white • nose ring • hair: black • eyes: dark • glasses: black • striped sweater • earrings Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv