kick off PTS, Workbook

Giving directions. Translate the English meaning and do the crossword. Coursebook p. 124, ex. 11 1 Biege links ab. 2 Geh geradeaus. 3 gegenüber 4 dahinter 5 überqueren 6 Nimm die erste rechts. 7 Biege rechts ab. 8 auf der rechten Seite 5 Look at the map on page 125 (ex. 12) in your coursebook. You stay in a hotel opposite the post office (A). Write an email to a friend and explain how he or she can get from the station to the hotel to meet you.   Coursebook p. 125, ex. 12 Start like this: 6 8 3 6 4 1 7 5 2 To: Subject: Dear          , To get from the station to the hotel … I’m looking forward to seeing you. Regards, 56 Unit 11 Language in use Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv