kick off PTS, Workbook

Fill in the hostel booking form below.   Coursebook p. 119, ex. 16 10 1  dorm: Schlafsaal 2  expiry date: Gültigkeitsdatum 3  CCV: dreistellige Sicherheitsnummer auf der Rückseite 4  guarantee: garantieren 53 Unit 10 Interaction Bluesky Hostel 59 High Street Edinburgh, Scotland Name: Address: Street Town/City Country Postal Code Telephone: Email: Type of room Rate Type of accommodation Rate Single room £24,95 Bed & Breakfast (B&B) £ 4,95 Double room £20,95 Half board £ 9,95 4 bed dorm 1 £16,95 Full board £15,95 6 bed dorm £12,95 All inclusive £19,95 8 bed dorm £ 9,95 Arrival: Total numbers of nights: Date: Departure: Signature: Credit card details: Card type: Expiry date 2 : Card number: CCV 3 : Fax form to +44 171 555-6872 | FAX RECEIPT DOES NOT GUARANTEE 4 ROOM Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv