kick off PTS, Workbook

Joan is going on holiday with her friend. Her mum is very nervous. What does she tell her? Write down the sentences using if .   Coursebook p. 114, ex. 8 6 1 If you forget your map, you will get lost. 2 3 4 5 6 Complete the sentences.   Coursebook p. 115, ex. 9 1 If my parents gave me £1000, I would  buy a new laptop . 2 If I had a car, I would  . 3 If I could go anywhere in the world, I would  . 4 If I could get any pet I wanted, I would  . 5 If I could go the airport right now to travel, I would  . 6 If I could break a world record, I would  . 7 If you forget your map, you will get lost. 51 Unit 10 Language in use • forget map – get lost 1 • lose notebook – not find the hotel • forget ticket – have to go back home • forget money – not be able to buy food • lose mobile phone – not be able to call home • forget rain jacket – get wet 2 1  get lost: sich verlaufen 2  get wet: nass werden Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv