kick off PTS, Workbook

More dialogues: Choose a pair of role cards (dialogue 3 or 4) and create a dialogue. Use the menu (p. 102) and the phrases from your coursebook (p. 108, ex. 15). Coursebook p. 102; 108, ex. 15, 16 11 H Waiter: 1 Greet. 3 Say yes and ask for a starter. 5 Ask for a main course. 7 Say yes and ask for a drink. 9 Ask for a dessert. 11 Ask the guest if everything is alright. 13 Say yes and tell the price. 15 Say thank you and hand out the change. 17 Say goodbye. Dialogue 3: Guest: 2 Greet. Say that you want to order straight away. 4 Order a starter. 6 Order a beef steak and ask if you can have boiled potatoes instead of fried potatoes. 8 Order a drink. 10 Order a dessert. 12 Say yes and tell the waiter that the beef steak was excellent. Ask for the bill. 14 Pay. 16 Say thank you and goodbye. Waiter: 1 Greet and ask what you can do for him/her. 3 Ask if the guests would like to sit in the smoking or non-smoking area. 5 Ask if they are ready to order. 7 Ask for a dessert. 9 Ask for drinks. 11 Ask if the mineral water should be sparkling or still. 13 Say that you’ll bring the drinks in a minute. 15 Say yes and tell the price. 17 Say thank you and hand out the change. 19 Say thank you and goodbye. Dialogue 4: Guest: 2 Say that you’d like a table for two. 4 Say that you want to sit in the non-smoking area of the restaurant. 6 Say yes and order a starter and a main course for you and your partner. 8 Say that you don’t want a dessert. 10 Order two glasses of mineral water. 12 Say that you want a still mineral water . 14 Ask for the bill. 16 Pay. 18 Tell the waiter to keep the change. 20 Say goodbye. 48 Unit 9 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv