kick off PTS, Workbook

Fill in the correct form of the word (positive, comparative, superlative).   Coursebook p. 94, ex. 10 1 These boots are  more expensive (expensive) than the trainers. 2 The blue socks are as  (cheap) as the red ones. 3 Luna is the  (good) sweet shop in town. 4 The weather in Italy is   ( hot) than the weather in England. 5 The film was  (interesting) than the book. 6 Can I change this jacket for a  (big) one? 7 This is the  (elegant) dress. 8 Philipp is as  (friendly) as his brother Julian. Cross out the wrong option and circle the correct option.   Coursebook p. 95, ex. 11 1 Would you like  some   any  tea? 2 You can have  some   any  of my hats. I don’t need all of them. 3 They haven’t got  some   any  blue T-shirts left. 4 My father bought  some   any  shirts last week. 5 I didn’t buy  something   anything  because I didn’t like the colours. 6 I think  somebody   anybody  is in the fitting room. 7 Do you live  somewhere   anywhere  near the supermarket? 8 Can I have  some   any  orange juice, please? Fill in a suitable quantity 1 .   Coursebook p. 95, language in use box 1 In the morning Frank sometimes drinks  a cup of  tea. 2 They all got   my birthday cake. 3 I like to wear a T-shirt and   jeans to school. 4 Have you got   scissors? I want to cut out 2 something. 5 Can I have   coke, please? 6 The cat enjoys   milk every evening. Fill in somebody, something, somewhere, anybody, anything or anywhere. Coursebook p. 95, language in use box 1 There is  somebody  on the phone for you. 2 Michael is hungry. He hasn’t got   to eat. 3 Can I have   to drink? 4 Please write your name   on the paper. 5 Did   buy a new coat? 6 Where are my trousers? I can’t find them  . 7 Do you need   from the supermarket? 8 Anne wants to buy   exciting at the boutique. 6 7 8 1  suitable quantity: passende Mengenangabe 2  cut out: ausschneiden 9 41 Unit 8 Language in use Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv