kick off PTS, Workbook

Look for any website on the internet and use the worksheet to find out if the information is good or not good.   Coursebook p. 88, 89 9 Is this website good or bad? Website • Title of the website: • Address (URL): • Who is the author of the website? • Is the author of the website an expert on the subject?  yes   no   I can’t find out. • What is the domain of the URL (.edu, .com, .org, .net, etc.)? • Does the website have professional formatting 1 ?  yes   no   I don’t know. • When was the website last updated? • How current 2 are the links on the website? • Have some expired 3 or moved?  yes   no Use the following chart and tick the boxes to find out if the information is good or bad. Good information: Bad information: comes from a reliable website (a government or scientific website) is not too old is objective is easy to understand is similar to information on other websites does not come from a reliable website is out of date is not objective is not easy to understand is not similar to information on other websites Do you think this page contains 4 reliable and accurate 5 information? Why? 1  formatting: Formatierung 2  current: aktuell 3  expired: abgelaufen 4  contain: beinhalten 5  accurate: genau, exakt 38 Unit 7 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv