kick off PTS, Workbook

Media & technology Match the words with the pictures.   Coursebook p. 81, ex. 4 1 mobile phone tablet computer video game console alarm clock virtual reality glasses remote control 1 plug 2 internet stick 1  remote control: Fernbedienung 2  plug: Stecker Unit 7 Match the definitions with the pictures above.   Coursebook p. 81, ex. 4 1 A  This is a small computer used mainly for looking at digital media. 2  You use this when the battery on your laptop is low. 3  It wakes you up in the morning. 4  When you put this into your computer, you can be online all the time. 5  You use it to change the channels 1 on your television. 6  You use this to make phone calls from anywhere 2 you want. 7  You use this to experience a different reality. 8  You use it to play video games. 2 1  channel: Sender 2  anywhere: irgendwo; hier: von wo auch immer 34 Starting out A D F B E G H C tablet computer Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv