kick off PTS, Workbook

Next month Sarah will start her first job at a garden centre. Answer the questions in full sentences. Use will.   Coursebook p. 60, ex. 8 Example: Which days of the week will Sarah work? She will work Monday to Saturday. 1 What time will she start in the mornings? 2 When will she finish work? 3 What will she do in her job? 4 Who will be her boss? 5 How much will she earn? 6 Where will she eat her lunch? 7 When will she have lunch break? 8 What will she wear in her job? 5 What about your future plans? What are you going to do next summer? Write five sentences. Use going to. Here are some ideas.   Coursebook p. 61, ex. 9 6 Complete the sentences. Use going to or will.   Coursebook p. 61, ex. 9 1 I think one day I  will be (be) a bricklayer. 2 They  (go) to the concert this evening. They have already bought the tickets. 3 Claire  (start) her apprenticeship in two weeks. 4 I’m tired. I  (sleep) for an hour. 5 Ask Daniel! Perhaps he  (help) you. 6 I know David  (buy) a new car next year. 7 I fear we  (get) a new German teacher next year. 8 I hope you  (have) an nice holiday. 7 31 Unit 6 Language in use I’m going to chill out 1 . work as … . visit … . travel to … . … Acorn Garden Centre Working hours:  Mon – Sat 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Lunch break:  1 p.m. – 2 p.m. (free meal in the garden centre restaurant) Work:  serve customers, water 1 plants Boss:  Mr Holland Wages:  £1,200 a month Uniform:  white apron 2 , yellow T-shirt 1  water: hier: gießen 2  apron: Schürze 1  chill out: sich entspannen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv