kick off PTS, Workbook

Write the words in the correct order to make questions.   Coursebook p. 58, ex. 3 1 do – know – company – our – What – you – about  What do you know about our company? 2 team – Are – player – you – a 3 are – in – this – Why – you – job – interested 4 you – got – computer – Have – skills – any 5 have – questions – any – Do – you 6 your – favourite – What – at – subjects – are – school What are their plans? The teenagers below are talking about their future plans. Match the pupils and their plans, then write two sentences about them.   Coursebook p. 59, ex. 6 Example:  Danielle is going to be a travel agent. She is going to travel around the world. 3 4 1  I’m going to look for a job in a zoo. I love animals! 2  I’m going to repair cars in my dad’s workshop. 3 A  I’m going to travel around the world! 4  I’m going to look for a job at a building company in my town. 5  I’m going to get a job in a hairdressing salon. One day I’m going to have my own salon! 6  My mum is from Scotland and I’m going to work there – in a fitness club! 30 Unit 6 Listening A B C D E F Danielle: travel agent John: bricklayer Penny: fitness instructor Mel: hairdresser Kelly: animal keeper Kevin: mechanic Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv