kick off PTS, Workbook

3 Unit 7 Media and technology Starting out Technology   34 Listening How they use media   35 Language in use Mixed tenses   36 Reading Cyberbullying    37 Interaction Internet research   38 Unit 8 Shopping Starting out Shops and clothes   39 Listening How to use a cash machine, Shopping dialogues   40 Language in use Comparison, Some & any, Uncountable & countable nouns  41 Reading The story of your jeans, Money matters   42 Interaction Online shopping   43 Unit 9 Food Starting out Nutrients   44 Listening At the restaurant   45 Language in use Modal verbs, Plural, Much– many – a lot of   46 Reading Eating habits   47 Interaction Role play: At the restaurant   48 Unit 10 Travelling Starting out Ways of travelling, At the airport   49 Listening Your dream holiday   50 Language in use If-sentences 1 + 2   51 Reading Travel arrangements   52 Interaction Filling in a booking form   53 Unit 11 A world language Starting out English everywhere!   54 Listening A holiday in Canada   55 Language in use Prepositions, Giving directions   56 Reading Working in Britain    57 Interaction Writing an email   58 Unit 12 Relationships Starting out Describing people   59 Listening The family   60 Language in use Modal verbs   61 Reading Teens in trouble 2   62 Interaction Making a date   63 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigent m des Verlags öbv