kick off PTS, Workbook

A pupil found the following text about Bill Gates on the internet. Complete the text with the words in the box. 9 produced computers richest programmed sold was born overnight offices met biggest earned cinema wanted became worked was loved 1  lawyer: Rechtanwalt 2  to release: auf den Markt bringen 3  almost: fast One of the richest men in the world Around 80 per cent of all the   in the world use Microsoft software. Bill Gates is the founder and boss of Microsoft. He   in Seattle in the north-west of the USA, on 15 October 1955. As a child he  computers and he   his first software when he was 13. Bill’s father   a lawyer 1 , and Bill   to be a lawyer, too. But computers were more interesting. At Harvard University he   an old school friend, Paul Allen, and they wrote a programming language called BASIC. Then Bill and Paul founded the Microsoft software company. That was in 1975. In 1981, IBM became the world’s   computer company and   the first “home computer”. Bill and Paul produced the software for it. IBM sold millions of these “home computers” – personal computers or PCs, as they are called now – and Bill and Paul   millions of dollars. Paul   ill in 1983 and left Microsoft. Bill   hard without his friend and in 1987 he produced the first version of Microsoft Windows. When he released 2 Windows 95 in August 1995, it   seven million copies in the first six weeks! Microsoft became the world’s biggest software company almost 3 . Bill Gates lives near Seattle. His house cost $53 million and has a  , a fitness centre, a swimming pool,   and an underground garage. 28 Unit 5 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv