kick off PTS, Workbook

Match the sentence halves.   Coursebook p. 49, ex. 7 1 H  During high school, Jeff Bezos worked 2  The next summer 3  It was a summer camp for children 4  The camp was called 5  It lasted for two weeks 6  They read books there 7  They also learned 8  Jeff Bezos learned that he wanted A in fourth, fifth and sixth grade. B and discussed things like space travel. C he set up his first business. D to start his own business as an adult. E how to use a camera. F and cost 600 dollars per child. G the Dream Institute. H at a McDonald’s restaurant for one summer. Read about Lukasz and answer the questions.   Coursebook p. 49, ex. 8 2 3 1 Where was Lukasz born? 2 When did he move to England? 3 What town in England does he live in? 4 What was Lukasz’s first job in Danbury? 5 What did he do three years ago? 6 What is Lukasz’s English name? 25 Unit 5 Listening Local success story Do you need a plumber? What about new windows? Then call Lucas Nowak. Lukasz Nowak was born in Poland. But in 2011, when he was 24, he moved to England. He now lives in a town in England called Danbury. Lukasz first worked in Danbury as a plumber. Then three years ago, he started his own small building company. He now has six people who work for him. His company is very successful. Everybody in Danbury knows “Lucas”. “When I first came to England,” says Lucas “I wanted to stay maybe a year or two just to earn some money. But now I want to stay in Danbury. The people are very friendly and my new life here is very good.” Lucas Nowak has been in Danbury since 2011 – and he wants to stay. NEWS • 16 July 201 . . . . . 5 . . . . 10 . . . . 15 . . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv