kick off PTS, Workbook

Read the short text about the history of pizzas. Make questions and give the answers. Use the past simple.   Coursebook p. 39, ex. 8 2 1 Where  did  people   eat (eat) the first pizzas? They   them in Greece. 2 When   an Italian baker  (make) the first modern pizza?  He . 3 What colours   he  (use) ? 4 Where   Gennaro Lombardi  (open) the first American pizzeria? in last on ago 1 last  week 2  1955 3  3 April 1971 4 ten years  5  the 1970s 6  year 7 two weeks  8  the 1990s Finish the phrases with the words on the left. You can use the same word more than once. 3 20 Unit 4 Listening First pizzas People in Greece 1 ate pizzas 2,000 years ago. First modern pizzas Raffaele Esposito, a baker in Italy, made the first modern pizza in 1889. It was for the Italian Queen Margherita. He used (red) tomatoes, (white) cheese and (green) basil 2 . The Italian flag is red, white and green. Pizzas in the USA An Italian man called Gennaro Lombardi opened the first pizzeria in New York in 1905. 1  Greece: Griechenland 2  basil: Basilikum Quick facts Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv