kick off PTS, Workbook

Then and now Julie is a typical teenager. Her father grew up 1 in the 1970s. What things were the same for her father then and what things were different? Finish the sentences below. Use the past simple.   Coursebook p. 37, ex. 5 1 Unit 4 The same … 1 Julie  likes  music. Her father liked music, too. 2 Julie often goes dancing. Her father often   dancing, too. 3 Julie often watches TV. Her father often   TV, too. 4 Julie drinks cola. Her father   cola, too. 5 Julie often phones her friends. Her father   his friends, too. Different … 6 Julie listens to music on her smartphone. Her father  didn’t listen  to music on a smartphone. He  listened  to cassettes, records 2 or CDs. 7 Julie watches films mostly 3 on the internet. Her father   films on the internet. He   films on TV. 8 Julie takes photos with her smartphone. Her father   photos with a smartphone. He   photos with an analogue camera. 1  grow up: aufwachsen 2  record: Schallplatte 3  mostly: hauptsächlich 19 Starting out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv