kick off PTS, Workbook

Phoning about a taster course: Sally has seen a job advertisement 1 in a newspaper. She phones the company and asks for a taster course. Write a dialogue.   Coursebook p. 24, ex. 19 11 Match the appropriate 2 12 sentences.   Coursebook p. 25, ex. 22 1 H  Don’t be late for the interview. 2  Dress smart. 3  Don’t wear dirty shoes. 4  Look at the person you are talking to. 5  Get information about the company. 6  Don’t start with questions about holidays and money. 7  Be honest. 8  Don’t stay up too long the night before. A Go to bed early. B Think carefully about what questions to ask. C Tell the truth 3 . D Think carefully about what to wear. E Don’t look past the person 4 you are talking to. F Clean your shoes. G Find information about the products of the company. H Be there 10 minutes before the interview. 12 2  appropriate: passend 3  truth: Wahrheit 4  past the person: an der Person vorbei Mrs Kennedy: Good afternoon, this is Cindy’s Salon. What can I do for you? Sally: Mrs Kennedy: Sally: Mrs Kennedy: Sally: Mrs Kennedy: Sally: Mrs Kennedy: Sally: Mrs Kennedy: 1  job advertisement: Stellenanzeige is looking for an apprentice hairdresser Good manners & must be able to work under pressure Taster courses start every Tuesday (3 days) Contact Mrs Kennedy, 0123-75765778 Cindy’s Salon 13 Unit 2 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv