kick off PTS, Workbook

Complete the text with the words from the box.   Coursebook p. 22 9 presidents high company old north buildings steel workers hot water weeks A DANGEROUS AND EXCITING JOB Timber cutters and steel workers have dangerous jobs. Some of them have to work high in the air. But some technicians 1 at the big German Kärcher also have a dangerous job. They clean big and statues 2 . ln 2005, Kärcher technicians cleaned the famous heads of the American (GeorgeWashington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln) on Mount Rushmore in the of the USA. They started on American lndependence Day, July 4, and the work lasted 3 three . The presidents’ heads are 18 metres and the technicians cleaned them with . The heads are 65 years , but they are now very clean again! . . . . 5 . . . . 10 . . . . 15 . . 1  technician: Techniker/in 2  statue: Statue 3  last: dauern Find words that go with the definitions.   Coursebook p. 22 1  truck  : a large vehicle 4 used to transport goods 2  : a strong metal 3  : a person who takes things by bike somewhere 4  : a very large building 5  : a person that travels by plane, by train or by bus 6  : a place where people write letters and emails 7  : a person who comes when there is a fire 8  : a person who flies a plane 10 4  vehicle: Fahrzeug 12 Unit 2 Reading Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv