kick off PTS, Coursebook

Language in use C Bildung von Frage und Verneinung • Fragen im past simple werden in allen Personen mit did gebildet. • Verneinungen bildet man durchgehend mit didn’t. • to be bildet Frage und Verneinung im past simple mit eigenen Formen. Vorsicht! Nach did/didn’t steht immer der Infinitiv: Did he work? (nicht: Did he worked?) She didn’t work. (nicht: She didn’t worked.) Fragen: Did I work? Did you work? Did he/she/it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work? Verneinungen: I didn’t work. You didn’t work. He/She/It didn’t work. We didn’t work. You didn’t work. They didn’t work. to be: Was I? Were you? Was he/she/it? Were we/you/they? I wasn’t. You weren’t. He/She/It wasn’t. We/You/They weren’t. Write the questions. Use the past simple. 1 Did you work last weekend? Yes, I worked last weekend. 2 No, it didn’t rain last night. 3 No, I didn’t study for the test two weeks ago. 4 Yes, we walked to the park yesterday. 10 D Short answers Beantwortet man Fragen mit ja oder nein, gibt man nur kurze Antworten. Did you go to the cinema last night? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Was he at school yesterday? Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t. Yes Yes, I did. Yes, you did. Yes, he/she/it did. Yes, we/you/they did. No No, I didn’t. No, you didn’t. No, he/she/it didn’t. No, we/you/they didn’t. Yes Yes, I was. Yes, you were. Yes, he/she/it was. Yes, we/you/they were. No No, I wasn’t. No, you weren’t. No, he/she/it wasn’t. No, we/you/they weren’t. Zeitliche Präpositionen: at, in, on So verwendest du zeitliche Präpositionen (prepositions of time): • at für einen genauen Zeitpunkt • in für Monate, Jahre und lange Zeiträume • on für Tage und Datumsangaben at at 5 o’clock at noon at the moment in in June in 2010 in the 1970s on on Friday on 4 July on Christmas Day 41 Unit 4 · Then and now Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv