kick off PTS, Coursebook

Present simple Example: I go to the cinema (every week). Signal words: always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart present simple Present continuous Example: I am going to the cinema (right now). Signal words: Look!, Listen!, now, right now, at the moment Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart present continuous Past simple Example: I went to the cinema (yesterday). Signal words: yesterday, a year/two month/… ago, last week/month/year Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart past simple Present perfect Example: I have (just) gone to the cinema. Signal words: already, just, never, up to now, this week/month/year Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart present perfect Will-future Example: I will go to the cinema (some time next week). Signal words: suppose, think, hope, fear, promise, be afraid, perhaps Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart will-future Going to-future Example: I am (definitely) going to the cinema. Signal words: know, be sure, be certain Vergangenheit Zukunft Gegenwart going to-future 158 Extras Tenses summary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv