vandalism (vorsätzliche) Sachbeschädigung, Vandalismus riot [}raç‹t] Krawall, Aufstand, Aufruhr to busk She started her musical career busking on the streets of Sydney. Straßenmusik machen mugging (Straßen-)Raub shoplifting Ladendiebstahl squatting illegales Hausbesetzen 9 over the top (coll.) I think his performance went way over the top. übertrieben, zu viel des Guten ludicrous [}lu:dçkr‹s] She looked ludicrous in that outfit! lächerlich, absurd out of proportion His reaction was out of proportion. unverhältnismäßig, in keinem Verhältnis a sensible idea eine vernünftige Sache/ Angelegenheit 14 cyberbullying Cybermobbing 15 connectivity Netztwerkfähigkeit 17 abandoned verlassen, leer stehend sense of community Gemeinschaftsgefühl to take to the streets Hundreds of laid-off workers took to the streets in protest. auf die Straße gehen broth [brüQ] Brühe novelist [}nüv‹lçst] Romanautor/in marginalisation []mA:dJçn‹laç}zeçS‹n] The report testifies to the marginalisation of women, and not just in parliament. Ausgrenzung, Marginalisierung makeshift Evacuees may need makeshift homes for longer than expected. Not-…, Übergangs-…; behelfsmäßig to reclaim sth. etw. erschließen/nutzbar machen; etw. zurückgewinnen provisional [pr‹}vçJ‹n‹l] einstweilig, provisorisch allotment [‹}lütm‹nt] hier: Schrebergarten, Kleingarten precarious [prç}ke‹ri‹s] This is putting us in a precarious financial situation. bedenklich, gefährlich; instabil shed Gartenhäuschen, Schuppen 20 quaint [kweçnt] What a quaint old cottage! reizend, niedlich, urig restful friedlich run-down He was living in a run-down brick house. heruntergekommen, baufällig glitzy glanzvoll, schillernd desolate [}des‹l‹t] verlassen, trostlos imposing She’s an imposing figure on stage. beeindruckend, imposant bustling [}bUslçN] geschäftig, emsig vibrant [}vaçbr‹nt] lebendig, pulsierend seedy zwielichtig, schäbig under surveillance The police have kept them under surveillance because of the heightened concern about terror attacks. unter Beobachtung to spy on sb. jmdm. nachspionieren to discourage sb. from doing sth. We started this campaign to discourage teenagers from smoking. jmdn. davon abhalten, etw. zu tun to capture sth. No other photo better captures the mood of the time. hier: etw. einfangen/ aufzeichnen distrust [dç}strUst] She has a deep distrust of the press. Misstrauen infringement [çn}frçndJm‹nt] of privacy Verletzung der Privatsphäre to invade sth. I don’t want my privacy invaded by the government. hier: in etw. eindringen 3 to fumble in one’s pockets in seinen Taschen kramen to be oblivious to sth. He kept talking, oblivious to his son’s growing discomfort. sich einer Sache nicht bewusst sein, etw. nicht bemerken/wahrnehmen to hone sth. Her acting skills were honed by years of stage work in New York. etw. verfeinern, etw. verbessern/ perfektionieren to allay [‹}leç] sb.’s suspicions jmds. Argwohn zertreuen to be on (day/night) shift (Tag-/Nacht-)Schicht haben to rampage [rém}peçdJ] Several hundred demonstrators rampaged through the town. randalieren, wüten forecourt Vorhof/Vorplatz fly-tipping illegales Müllabladen traffic congestion Verkehrsstau separation of powers Gewaltentrennung to smack of sth. This behaviour smacks of racial profiling, if you ask me! nach etw. riechen, den Beigeschmack von etw. haben piecemeal They have so far taken a piecemeal approach to dealing with the financial crisis. stückweise, kleinteilig; hier: unsystematisch pragmatism Throughout her career, she has impressed voters with her refreshing mix of intelligence and ideology-free pragmatism. Handlungsbezogenheit, Pragmatismus sinister [}sçnçst‹] There was something sinister about the way he looked at me. unheimlich the House of Lords das (britische) Oberhaus regulatory framework Ordnungsrahmen, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen the Home Office das Innenministerium singular eigenartig, sonderbar; einzigartig paltry [}pO:ltri] She raised her children on her paltry wages from a furniture factory. armselig, erbärmlich, dürftig prosecution []prüsç}kju:S‹n] Strafverfolgung 4 burglary Einbruch(diebstahl) 222 V Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv