English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

transponder Übertragungsgerät, Transponder production unit Produktionseinheit injector Einspritzdüse to customise sth. Our standard boxes can be customised to suit your taste. etw. individuell anpassen, etw. nach Kundenwünschen anfertigen to tie in with sth. an etw. anknüpfen all-encompassing allumfassend ERP, (short for) enterprise resource planning Unternehmensressourcenplanung, Warenwirtschaft on a mass scale in großer Stückzahl, in großem Maßstab in a bid to do sth. In a bid to cut waste, they stopped handing out free plastic shopping bags. in der Absicht, etw. zu tun to pursue an agenda ein Anliegen/Ziel verfolgen 20 authoritarian []O:Qürç}te‹ri‹n]: demanding that people obey, not allowing them personal freedom autoritär truthful wahr, wahrheitsgetreu to be critical of sth. I was always critical of the Bush administration. etw. kritisch gegenüberstehen 24 metallurgist [m‹}tél‹dJçst] Metallurg/in steel plant Stahlwerk loom Webstuhl bonded labour: a system in which employers give high-interest loans to employees whose family members then work at low wages to pay off the debt Schuldknechtschaft 25 sweatshop Ausbeuterbetrieb 26 brick kilns Ziegelbrennerei stone quarry Steinbruch hazardous gefährlich ore Erz fume Abgas mercury Quecksilber to withhold sth. etw. einbehalten distance learning Fernunterricht death toll Zahl der Todesopfer primary wage earner Hauptverdiener/in to eradicate sth. etw. ausmerzen/ausrotten Unit 7 1 corporate identity Firmenidentität company culture Firmenkultur font Schriftart 2 image-consciousness Imagebewusstsein honed Esther is drawing on years of carefully honed teaching skills to engage the local kids. geschliffen, poliert secretive verschwiegen 4 stakeholder Teilhaber, Firmenpartner 5 dental insurance zahnärztliche Versicherung on-site physician Betriebsarzt to devote sth. to sb./sth. etw. jmdm./etw. widmen commitment Engagement hierarchy [}haçWrA:ki] Hierarchie, Rangordnung to crown it all … zum krönenden Abschluss … output hier: Produktivität staff turnover Personalwechsel perk Expatriate jobs usually come with attractive perks like free flights home. Vorteil, Annehmlichkeit 8 staff relations Verhältnis zu den Mitarbeitern 9 autocratic autoritär consultative konsultierend laissez-faire []leçseç}fe‹] locker facilitator Unterstützer/in, Vermittler/in to empower sb. It empowers consumers to make their own purchasing decisions. jmdn. ermächtigen/stärken 11 making your case die eigene Position verfechten 15 to mediate [}mi:dieçt] She said the EU should mediate between Russia and its neighbours. vermitteln mediator Vermittler/in, Mediator/in at the suggestion of sb. I went to the River Street dentist’s at Kim’s suggestion. auf jmds. Anraten/Anregung feud [fju:d]: an angry and often violent argument between two people or groups that has existed for a long time Fehde to put up with sth. How can you put up with all his nagging? etw. hinnehmen/dulden, sich mit etw. abfinden to sort out sth. If we hadn’t sorted out our differences, we couldn’t have worked as a team again. etw. klären/lösen to keep up sth. Keep up the good work! etw. beibehalten to face up to sth. He’ll have to face up to the fact that he might not become the next Picasso. etw. ins Auge sehen, sich etw. stellen 25 perception Wahrnehmung 26 alumni [‹}lUmnaç] club Absolvent/innenverein Unit 8 1 surveillance [s‹}veçl‹ns] Überwachung loitering Herumlungern (mit kriminellen Absichten) 2 CCTV: (short for) closed-circuit television Videoüberwachung to watch over sb./sth. The princess has three bodyguards watching over her day and night. über jmdn./etw. wachen 221 V Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv