English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

Look at these highlighted words and expressions which can be used to talk about product names. In pairs, take turns explaining them without looking at the article. A catchy D unique G self-explanatory J suggestive B trip off the tongue E appropriate H arbitrary K explicit C which implies both … F descriptive I appealing L coined word Read the article on p. 136 again. Were your ideas correct? In your opinion, which are the ten most well-known product names (nationally or internationally)? Write the names down and: ■■ relate them to the information in the article. ■■ justify your opinion with one statement. Go on the internet if you need more information. Example: ‘Cannondale’ is an arbitrary name for a mountain bike. It refers to the train station next to the headquarters of the company. Talk about your ideas in class. Discuss these questions. The highlighted words are all connected with marketing. 1 Think of a large company in your country. ■■ How does it promote its products? ■■ Does it have a particular slogan? ■■ Do they use a particular kind of marketing campaign or sales pitch? ■■ What kinds of names do their products have? ■■ How effective is the company? ■■ Who is their target audience? ■■ Do they have the biggest market share? ■■ Who are their competitors? ■■ What brand image do they present? 2 ‘There is no such thing as negative publicity.’ Do you think this is true? Do you know what a ‘viral ad’ is? 1 If not, what do you imagine it might be? 2 If you do, tell other people about viral ads you know. Discuss these questions. 1 Viral ads are said to be ‘infectious’. Why is this a good description? What other things can be infectious? 2 Think of video clips in social media. Do you think a company can boost the distribution of a viral ad or is it only the audience that promotes it? What product(s) do you think this video clip shows? Language focus Talking about product names 15 a b 16 a b Language focus Marketing words 17 Listening 18 a b 19 a 138 Language skills Extras Explore 10 From design to brands Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv