English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

108 Language skills Extras Explore 8 Big brother is watching you Explore speaking 2: Cybercrime Topic area: Communication and the media Focus: Cybercrime Situation: You are doing an internship at MyElectronics, a London-based electronics company. As the company has been subject to a few cyberattacks recently, it has established a ‘cybercrime response team’. You have volunteered to join this team. Individual long turn (4–5 minutes): You have been asked to provide your colleagues with some general information on cybercrime. You are at a staff meeting and present the results of your research. Use the information in the text and the chart below to: ■■ outline the various types of cybercrime. ■■ speculate about why certain industry sectors might be more vulnerable to cyberattacks than others. ■■ suggest ways to keep your agency’s electronic devices safe. 33 The term ‘cybercrime’ is applied to three categories of criminal activity. The first covers traditional forms of crime such as fraud or forgery, though in a cybercrime context this relates specifically to crimes committed via electronic communication networks and information systems. The second concerns the publication of illegal content through electronic media, e.g. child sexual abuse material or incitement to racial hatred. The third includes crimes unique to electronic networks, e.g. attacks against information systems, denial of service and hacking. These types of attacks can also be directed against the crucial critical infrastructures in a country and affect existing rapid alert systems in many areas, with potentially disastrous consequences for the whole society. Common to each category of crime is that they may be committed on a mass-scale and with a great geographical distance between the criminal act and its effects. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv