English Unlimited HTL 3, Schulbuch

Ó ky4n2p Entertainment and you Look at the media logos below and talk in pairs. 1 What media services are offered by these companies? Can you explain each one? What other media can you think of? 2 How much time a week and at what time of day do you usually use these media? 3 What kind of shows, series or online games or channels do you enjoy? Think about: ■■ reality shows ■■ virtual world games ■■ sports programmes ■■ music streaming services ■■ live video stories ■■ fashion trend channels Listening 1 Listen to four people talking about their favourite forms of entertainment. Who prefers what? 2 a 1 p5bd23 Chris from Malta Anna from Austria Liam from Ireland Vicky from the USA Listen again. Who: 1 projects films onto a big white wall? 5 loved teen dramas when she was a young teenager? 2 can’t watch much Netflix these days? 6 likes learning about things when watching films? 3 doesn’t like the adverts on TV? 7 watches cookery programmes? 4 enjoys music more than films? 8 plays a virtual world game to de-stress? b 7 1Unit Global media „„express preferences and make recommendations „„describe a book or TV show Goals „„talk about information, films and entertainment media „„talk about habits Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv