English Unlimited HTL 3, Schulbuch

April 22nd is world Earth Day. To celebrate, you are planning a school adventure in a local forest or natural park. Think about some of the activities you might do – litter collection, tree planting, nature trail …, and prepare a flyer. You should: ■■ explain the purpose of your adventure. ■■ indicate time, place and duration, and what activities you are planning. ■■ persuade your fellow students to take part. Write around 250 words. Writing 7 Writing   i i „„I can write a flyer for an Earth Day adventure. http://www.klimavorteile-web.com 4. G eringerer Flächenverbrauch Mit dem Neubau verschwinden viele freie Flächen, die dem CO2-Ausgleich dienen könnten. Klimavorteile des Neubaus 1. Energieeffiziente Bauweise Hocheffektive Dämmung, Ausrichtung zur Sonne, große Fensterflächen. Das meiste davon lässt sich im Neubau leicht umsetzen. 2. G eringer Bedarf an Heizwärme Beim Sparen von Heizenergie sind Neubauten unschlagbar. 3. Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien Gut gedämmte Neubauten mit Photovoltaik-anlage lassen sich nahezu klimaneutral beheizen. 4. B edarfsgerecht bauen Wer neu baut, kann mit kluger Grundriss-planung auf weniger Fläche mehr unter-bringen und damit den CO2-Ausstoß reduzieren. Source: https://wohnglueck.de/artikel/sanieren-oder-neu-bauen-17177, shortened Fill in the gaps with expressions below. There are two extra expressions that you will not need. Language 8 We should To sum up According Nevertheless I am writing to If only we could The main reason for this is Language   i i „„I can correctly use linking expressions. Dear Ms Collins, (1) express my disappointment with your recent environmental policy announcement, specifically regarding transport. I appreciate that converting all of the city’s busses to use electricity would be expensive, but I don’t see that we have a choice. (2) to the climate scientists, we do not have a great deal of time to make a change. (3) that the level of CO2 emissions needs to quickly fall to pre-industrial levels if we are to keep global warming below 2°C. (4) be trying to set an example to the city’s residents, and that means stopping our use of diesel-powered vehicles. (5) , your current course of action is extremely reckless and I hope that you will reconsider. Kind regards, Ian Brown 131 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv