English Unlimited HTL 3, Schulbuch

Complete the sentences from the conversations with the adjectives or verbs. What’s 1 is it’s a grass fire, not a forest fire. 2 is no one gets hurt. 3 is the officers were going to arrest the boy … The thing that 4 me angry is that normal kids can’t have parties any more. 5 me is how it started. 6 me is the parents’ attitude, not the boy! Which events are Abby and Joe talking about in sentences 1–6? Which adjective means strange? Which verb means irritate or worry? Can you think of more verbs and adjectives to replace 1–6? Example: The thing that annoys me is … Think about the other stories in the news report. Write one or two sentences about each one. Use the highlighted expressions in 8a. Talk about the stories together. Do you have the same opinions? Example: A: What do you think about the tree clearing story? B: The thing that worries me is the environment. Think of two or three interesting news stories. Make notes. Think about: ■■ who? ■■ what? ■■ where? ■■ when? ■■ other interesting information In groups, talk about your news stories. What do you think about each other’s stories? Example: Did you hear about that climber who was found three weeks after he went missing? Use your notes from 10a and write a news story (around 250 words). Think about: ■■ where and when it took place ■■ who it was about ■■ what happened Vocabulary Reacting to the news 8 a bothers funny important interesting makes worries b c d 9 a b a Speaking 10 b Writing 11 Talking about news stories Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think fair play is important in sport? Why? Why not? 2 Read the dictionary entry. How do you think genetic engineering could be used in sport? Do you think these statements are true (T) or false (F)? Talk in pairs. T F 1 More and more drugs are being banned by sports authorities. 2 Scientists believe genetic engineering may become a way to improve athletes’ performance. 3 Professional athletes have never been permitted to use drugs. 4 In the future, researchers may be able to correct weak genes to make people healthier. 5 Genetic engineering is already a major problem in sport. Read the article on p. 119 to check. Reading 12 genetic engineering noun changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to make it healthier, stronger, or more useful to humans. Scientists have used genetic engineering to create two sheep that are exactly the same. 13 a b 118 Language skills Extras Explore 10 In the news Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv