English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Keyword: by Uses of by Add the underlined expressions to the correct groups in the table. 1 This strange book was discovered in 1912 by Wilfred Voynich. 2 It was drawn in 1513 by an admiral in the Turkish navy, Piri Reis. 3 The keys are over there by the phone. 4 Can I pay by card? 5 I’ll be at home by1 the time you arrive. 6 Everyone’s a bit tired by Friday. 7 Supermarkets bring a lot of their stuff here by plane, and that’s bad for the environment. 8 You can beat the queues at the entrance by booking tickets online. 9 Hand in your homework by next Friday. Who? by a person How? by (noun/-ing) No later than by a time Next to by a place by Alessandro Volta by taxi by two o’clock by the park Add by to these questions. 1 Do you have to do anything important the end of this week? 2 What things do you keep your cooker at home? 3 How often do you contact people letter? 4 Were any of the things in your home made your family or friends? 5 When you’re on holiday, do you prefer to travel car or use public transport? 6 Would you prefer to live the sea or in the mountains? 7 Do you think you’ll still live in the same place the end of next year? 8 What do you hope to have done 2030? Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Expressions with by Look at the expressions below. Are you familiar with all of them? Complete the conversations. 1 A: What’s that huge package in the hall, have you been shopping online? B: No, it isn’t mine, it was sent here . 2 A: Do you earn much money as a self-published author? B: Well, I’ll probably never be rich, but I earn enough to . 3 A: Have you seen the latest superhero film? What’s the hero like? B: She’s great! she’s a librarian, but at night she’s a flying fox and fights crime. 4 A: Did you have a nice lunch? B: Yeah, it was lovely. I met Vincent outside completely , and we went to that new Italian place. 5 A: I heard your mother had got the flu. Is she OK? B: Yeah, thanks for asking, she’s still in bed, but she’s getting better . 1 Don’t confuse by with until: by: no later than. Don’t worry, you’ll get your books by Wednesday. until (or till): used to say how long a situation continues. Kirsten will be on holiday until Sunday. 24 25 a b 26 by mistake by the hour get by by chance by all means by day 76 Language skills Extras Explore 6 The story of stuff Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv