English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Ó d4r3dd Do you have any …? Look at the photos of stalls in Portobello Market, London. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 Do you like shopping? If so, what do you like shopping for? 2 How often do you buy things online? 3 Do you like shopping in markets? 4 Are there any famous markets in your town / in Austria? Have you ever visited them? 5 Have you ever bought vintage clothes? Present your partner’s shopping habits to the rest of the class. Caroline lives and works in London. Listen to her shopping in Portobello Market. What thing in each photo does she talk about? Listen again and fill in the table below. Compare your notes with a partner. What does she ask about? What’s the original price? How much does she pay in the end? Stall 1 Stall 2 Stall 3 1 Listening a C b A B 2 a d4s24k 24 b 70 6 Unit The story of stuff Goals „„ask about and buy things „„describe objects „„talk about possessions „„write a formal email Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv