English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Explore writing: Formal / Informal emails or notes of apology Think of words and expressions you can use when you feel sorry for something you have done wrong. Make a list. Read the two emails from Julian. Why couldn’t he go to Kim’s party and the job interview? Underline the formal and informal expressions in two different colours. In pairs, compare the expressions you have underlined. Which expressions are used for apologies1, which for excuses2? Business training. You are a team leader in the technical support department of a software company. New software is being launched and you were supposed to attend a meeting with the head of Research and Development (R&D) to find out about all the features and possible weaknesses of the programme. Unfortunately, you simply could not get out of a video call dealing with technical issues of an important client in Stockholm, which took much longer than expected. Write an informal note of apology to Will, the head of R&D. You should: ■■ explain how it happened ■■ ask how you could be informed about the new software ■■ apologise for not attending ■■ suggest how you could make up for it Write 80–100 words. Business training. You have been invited to give a presentation of the newly developed software at your client’s event in Stockholm next Friday. However, due to some bugs that were discovered at the last minute, you won’t be able to keep this appointment. You know it would be important to be there, but you absolutely have to make sure the software passes quality control before presenting it to a client. Write a (semi-)formal apology to your client. You should: ■■ thank them for the offer ■■ apologise ■■ explain what the problem is ■■ say what you are planning to do Write 80–100 words. 1 apology: a word / an expression you use to say sorry for sth. 2 excuse: a reason you give to explain why you can’t do sth. / did sth. wrong 21 a b Hi Kim, Sorry I couldn’t come to your party last Saturday. I had a ticket for the Football World Championship semi-final Germany versus Spain. It was absolutely fantastic! Hope you had a great time partying. I’ll give you a call tomorrow night, and hopefully we can get together this weekend. See you soon, Julian Dear Mr Stevens, Thank you very much for the invitation to have an interview for the summer internship on Saturday the 14th. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend because I will be in Reading. I have to go to my grandmother’s 70th birthday party, but I will be back on Sunday. Would it be possible to come to your office on Monday the 16th instead? I am very sorry for any inconvenience. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Julian Clarke •  Say why you are apologising •  Explain and accept responsibility for what you did •  Say what you will do to make up for it or suggest that the two of you get together Writing coach If you cannot keep an appointment or accept an offer, first thank for the offer etc., then clearly state the problem and give a short explanation for what happened. Offer an apology and focus on the actions you are taking to solve the problem. Stay honest, write to the point and be polite. Writing coach c d 22 a b 61 Language skills Extras Explore 5 How do you feel? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv