English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Read the rest of the article on p. 42. In which paragraph (1–4) does Professor Rhodes talk about these topics (A–D)? A cities and the countryside C energy, money and politics B cities near the sea D working and living in cities Read the article again. What reasons does Professor Rhodes give for these predictions? Make notes. 1 Cities will have many centres. 2 Big cities will stop growing. 3 Buildings will use local materials. 4 There might be political problems. 5 Some cities near the sea will need help. Cover the article on p. 42 and use the words and expressions below to complete the sentences. Then check in the article. 1 Energy, especially , will be very expensive. 2 There’ll be less on the roads. 3 It will be difficult to provide enough water, and electricity for really big cities. 4 over long distances will be a lot more expensive. 5 We might have two groups of people: a rich group which lives in areas … 6 … and a poorer group which has to live in the more parts of the city. 7 As temperatures around the world go up, will rise and many places will have problems with . 8 Some cities may find that the change in is good for them, but others will need help. Read sentences 1–5. Then complete the grammar box with the highlighted words. 1 There’ll be less traffic on the roads. 2 Cities won’t have just one centre. 3 Big cities will probably stop growing. 4 Energy may become too expensive. 5 This might create two groups of people. 2 a b 3 Vocabulary The environment clean, green transport oil climate polluted flooding sea levels gas traffic 4 Grammar will, might, may I’m sure I’m not sure I’m sure (2) (3) (1) ’ll = will won’t = will not 1 Grammar reference and practice, p. 149 won’ t might Language skills Extras Explore 4 City life 43 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv