English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Work alone. You have to cancel two of your arrangements. Decide which two and why. Example: 2. Monday, 7 p.m. – go to the cinema with Paul cancel because: cousin’s birthday Write two short text messages to the two people you don’t have time for. Cancel and suggest a different date and time. Example: Hi Paul. Sorry, but I can’t make it on Monday. It’s my cousin’s birthday party. Can we postpone? You can use different forms to talk about future plans and arrangements. Match A–D with examples 1–4. Choose the best form (or forms) to complete the questions. 1 What (you do) after class? 2 What time (this class finish)? 3 (you go) anywhere on your next holiday? 4 What (you have) for lunch tomorrow? 5 (you be) busy tomorrow evening? 6 What time (the shops close) tonight? 7 (you meet) any friends this weekend? In pairs, ask and answer the questions in 7b. Find out more information. Tell the class about your partner’s most interesting plans and arrangements. Example: This weekend, Hannah’s driving to the mountains with her family, and they’re going to … Booking a room, checking in In pairs, talk about the questions below. Then report to the class what your partner said. 1 Have you ever stayed in any hotels/hostels? Which were the best? Which were the worst? Why? 2 Are there any hotels/hostels near where you live? Which one would you recommend to a visitor? Why? 6 Writing a b A present progressive for arrangements with people, organisations, etc. B be going to + infinitive for personal plans (The difference between A and B is very small. Often, you can use either.) C present simple for things with fixed times (train timetables, flight schedules, etc.) D am/ is / are (with adjectives, prepositions, etc.) 1 I’m going to go tomorrow then. 3 Are you doing anything this week? 2 His train arrives at 7.15 p.m. 4 I’m free on Saturday. We usually use time expressions with forms A–D to say when something is happening. For example, tomorrow, at 7.15 p.m., on Saturday. 1 Grammar reference and practice, p. 148 7 Grammar Future plans and arrangements a b are you doing / are you going to 8 Speaking a b 9 Vocabulary Hotel facilities Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Language skills Extras Explore 3 Getting connected 33 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv