English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

2 Contents Free time Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about music „„talk about present activities and habits „„talk about experiences and past events „„talk about sports and exercise „„do a survey „„express preferences „„write short formal and informal messages „„write a leaflet „„Talking about music „„Sports and exercise „„ Experiences, preferences, habits „„Present simple, past simple, present progressive „„Music in Trinidad and Tobago „„Fitness centre survey The world of work Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about job experiences „„talk about dream jobs „„talk about job skills and personal qualities „„have a job interview „„write a letter of application „„understand and use telephone expressions „„Job skills and personal qualities „„Presenting yourself „„Keyword: for „„Present perfect 1 – for experience „„Present perfect 2 – with for and since „„have to, can „„Job experiences „„Interview at a job agency „„Explore listening: A phone call Getting connected Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about plans and arrangements „„make and change arrangements „„book a room and check into a hotel „„talk about social networking apps „„use questions to preface invitations and requests „„write a report „„Arranging to meet up „„Hotel facilities „„Staying in a hotel „„Connectors „„Keyword: make „„Future plans and arrangements „„Mia and Jason’s plans „„A room in Kuala Lumpur „„Checking into a hotel „„Explore listening: Teenagers and the media City life Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„make guesses and predictions „„make recommendations „„get and give directions „„get and give information in a tourist office „„talk about office work „„describe a place „„The environment „„Giving directions „„Getting information „„Office duties, equipment and supplies „„Keyword: to „„will, might, may „„Real conditionals „„Finding your way around New York „„Sarah’s internship at a New York travel review and booking website How do you feel? Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about natural effects of something „„discuss real possibilities and future plans „„discuss imaginary situations „„say how you feel „„talk about emotions „„talk about body language „„apologise for something „„write a formal / informal email or note of apology „„yawn, laugh … „„Extreme adjectives „„Keyword: just „„Real and unreal conditionals „„How we show our feelings „„Explore listening: Just friends Semester check 1: Units 1–5 Unit 1 p. 7 3rd semester p. 18 Unit 2 p. 32 Unit 3 p. 42 Unit 4 Unit 5 p. 54 p. 65 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv