English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Writing, exercise 6: Sample paragraph: Semester check 2: Units 6–10 Reading, exercise 1: 1 T (We are grateful to); 2 F (Our expertise in developing); 3 F (Both London festivals sold); 4 T (This meant that last); 5 F (The commercial success of); 6 F (We are also very) Writing, exercise 2: Sample answer Green Hotels in Chicago Chicago has many Green Seal certified hotels. They minimise waste and have implemented energy-efficient kitchen and laundry facilities. Some hotels even have a green roof, so you can take in the city view from a bench under a tree on top of your hotel. So, if you want to travel but still help to protect the environment, choose your hotel at: www.greenhotelschicago.com Biking in Chicago Choose your favourite bike at the many bike rentals and start exploring the city. Every cyclist can find something to suit them with hilly or flat terrain. Would you like to see the Lakefront? Cycle on the Lakefront Trail or the “606”, which goes from east to west and past beautiful parks. Or, how about a night tour on electric bikes? Check it out at: www.biketrailschicago.com Millennium Park Millennium Park has something for everyone. In the summer, you can enjoy the water in the Crown Fountain, or go for a picnic in Lurie Garden and relax in the grass. “The Cloud Gate”, which is a big sculpture made of shiny steel and looks like a bean, gives you an incredible reflection of the city’s skyline. The central attraction is the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, which hosts many music festivals from world music to mainstream rock. Find more details at: www.milleniumparkchicago.com Science Museum Group income and expenditure Introduction The aim of this report is to examine the income and expenditure of the Science Museum Group and to make some suggestions to ensure its future financial health. Findings It was found that income for the last financial year amounted to £87.5 million. Donations and sponsorships, at £18.8 million, and trading income, at £16.3 million, were the two largest self-generated items. However, by far the largest single contribution came from Government funds, which amounted to £45.2 million. It was also found that expenditure over the same period totalled £78.6 million. The largest single item was Science education and communication, which at £26.0 million was almost twice as much as the second largest item, Care for and research into the collections (£13.3 million). Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that the Group is currently in good financial health as income exceeded expenditure by £8.9 million in the last financial year. Recommendations While the group is currently in good financial shape, the future still needs to be considered. One recommendation is that the group continue to find new revenue streams, for example by pursuing further consultation opportunities and running new exhibitions. Another suggestion is that costs continue to be cut as far as possible. 173 K Key Semester check Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv