to compile !kEm*paIl? sth. I’m compiling a list of candidates. etw. zusammentragen/ zusammenstellen to sort sth. Please sort the letters by date. etw. sortieren/ordnen to distribute !dI*strIbju"t? sth. Do you have enough handouts to distribute to your classmates? etw. aus-/verteilen customer database Kundendatenbank to file sth. I’ve filed the forms alphabetically. etw. ablegen/einordnen invoice !*InvOIs? Rechnung, Faktura whiteboard Schwarzes Brett sticky note Haftnotiz, Post-it paper clip Büroklammer notepad Notizblock stapler !*steIplE? Klammergerät hole punch Locher shredder Aktenvernichter tray !treI? Just put the letter in my in tray! Ablage(korb) 22 intern !*Int3"n? Praktikant/in to get sth. done Can you get it done by Tuesday? etw. erledigen 23 subway (AE) U-Bahn 25 (tourist) resort Urlaubsort 28 safety glasses Schutzbrille workforce Arbeitskräfte, Belegschaft pottery Keramik ear protectors Ohrenschutz toolbox Werkzeugbox metal workshop Metallwerkstätte fire extinguisher Feuerlöscher print shop Lackiererei co-worker Arbeitskollege/Arbeitskollegin assembly shop Fließband staff Mitarbeiter/in protective clothes Sicherheitskleidung anti-skid mats rutschfeste Matten turning shop Dreherei brickyard Ziegelei, Ziegelwerk tools Werkzeug 30 prohibition Verbots-(schild) mandatory verpflichtende warning Warnhinweis safe conditions Sicherheits-(schild) hard head Sicherheitshelm, Schutzhelm trip hazard Stolpergefahr 37 growth Wachstum, Zuwachs soccer (AE) Fußball federal !*fedErEl? The federal government needs to do something about poverty. Bundes-… peaceful friedlich 41 transport system Verkehrsnetz dense !dens? Many of the problems were in regions with dense populations. dicht infrastructure Infrastruktur to manage sth. etw. zustande bringen, managen charge There is an extra charge for high-speed internet. Gebühr to raise Supermarkets have already raised prices. erhöhen tax income Steuerertrag unpopular unbeliebt despite !dI*spait? trotz cycle lane !*saikl lein? Fahrradweg to educate !*edZukeIt? sb. jmdn. unterrichten, bilden increasing zunehmend, steigend investment Investition, (Geld)Anlage inhabitant !In*hxbItEnt? Bewohner/in 42 major concern !kEn*s3"n? wesentliche Angelegenheit, Sorge overpopulation Society will suffer from overpopulation and famine. Überbevölkerung inequality !InI*kwOlEti? There is a need to address the basic problems of inequality. Ungleichheit to cause a problem ein Problem verursachen to fix sth. hier: etw. in Ordnung bringen device !dI*vais? Devices must be turned off during meetings. Gerät Unit 5 1 to yawn !jO"n? gähnen on average How much do you sell on average? im Durchschnitt to sneeze niesen 2 to cough !kOf? husten to smell sth.: to notice sth. using your sense of smell etw. riechen to snore schnarchen to chew kauen to bite beißen to swallow !*swOlEU? schlucken to sigh !saI? seufzen to blush !bl0S? Rosy looked up, and he blushed. erröten, rot werden to blink blinzeln to glance !glA"ns? He glanced up and down the road. einen flüchtigen Blick werfen auf 3 oxygen !*OksIdZEn? Sauerstoff to breathe !bri"D? atmen human !*hju"mEn? menschlich hormone !*hO"mEUn? Hormon deaf !def? taub to bond eine Bindung eingehen to be attracted to sb. sich zu jmdm. hingezogen fühlen laughter !*lA"ftE? Lachen, Gelächter primitive urzeitlich, primitiv biological biologisch 164 V Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv