English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Form Real conditionals See Grammar reference for Unit 4, p. 150. Unreal conditionals If + past simple, would + infinitive If everyone drove electric cars, the air would be cleaner. If everyone drove electric cars, the air wouldn’t be so polluted. You can change the order of the clauses. When the if-clause comes second, you don’t need a comma. would + infinitive if + past simple The air would be cleaner if everyone drove electric cars. The air wouldn’t be so polluted if everyone drove electric cars. In unreal conditionals, you can use was or were after I, he, she or it. If it was /were warmer, we’d have the party in our garden. If I was /were a university student, I’d study business or law. Practice Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets to make unreal conditional sentences. 1 If we solar power, it a lot of money. (use, save) 2 If I a bit of money, I a second-hand motorbike. (have, buy) 3 If she John, I’m sure she him. (meet, like) 4 I for a new mobile if I more time. (look, have) 5 I walking in the mountains if I work tomorrow. (go, not have to) 6 It easier to pay our bills if we internet banking. (be, use) 7 If I the chance, I to a different country. (have, move) 8 If I closer to school, my life a lot easier. (live, be) 9 I a lot healthier if I so many sweets and biscuits. (be, not eat) Unit 6 some, any Meaning You use some and any with plural nouns when you don’t need to say exactly how many. I need to buy some apples. (= more than one apple) I don’t need to buy any apples. I’d like an apple, please. (= one apple) I don’t like apples. (= apples in general) You also use some and any with uncountable nouns when you don’t need to say exactly how much. We have to get some milk. Can you give me some help? We haven’t got any tea. Do you need any help? Form You usually use some in positive sentences and any in negative sentences. I’d like some coffee, please. Sorry, we don’t have any coffee. In questions we often use any. Do you have any milk? But you use some in questions when you expect the answer “yes”, or when you’d like the answer to be “yes”. Would you like some milk? (= an offer) Can I have some milk? (= a request) Practice 1 Complete the sentences with some or any and one of these words. 1 Is black coffee OK? I’m afraid we don’t have . 2 I’m really sorry, I didn’t buy . Can we have pasta? 3 Is there a bank near here? I need to get . 4 I spent last weekend with . We had a great time. 5 Can you help me? I’d like about flights to Paris. 6 I’m looking for somewhere to stay in the city. Do you know near here? 7 I haven’t written to my friends for a while. I really need to write . 8 I don’t need with my suitcase, thanks. emails cash hotels information milk friends rice help 151 G Grammar reference and practice Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv